Archive for the Random Category

2:28 AM and I have work at 7:00.

Posted in Music, Random, Recap on July 30, 2009 by the88movement


Guten Morgen!

1:59 AM. 5 more hours before I start my shift at a local bookstore. I’m dead tired. My Brain (Whom I call Benji), is sloshing around in my head telling me to sleep. What Benji doesn’t know is that by doing so (the sloshing, not the telling), he’s giving me a headache (Nickname: Bitch). And in inducing me with this constant pounding, which is not unlike a Rauzan instrumental, it’s making it harder for me to fall asleep.

So here I am writing in first-person. And writing as if there is an audience in front of me. But what do I know.. It’s a Thursday night and my window overlooks a few Banana trees. (According to local Malay folklore, your friendly local Ghosts frequents Banana Trees on Thursday nights; sort of like a Ladies Night for the Underworld.)

What have we (theCrazy88) been up to? Hmm..

  • Did a show at O Bar last Thursday. Good set! Pity about the turnout, but we had a blast, nonetheless. Here’s to you Shafii, Sham, Phyreman, DJ Ollie, Siroc, Garuda and every single one who turned up!
  • Worked on two new tracks; Weatherman and Crank.Arm.Stereo last Friday.
  • Worked on a track proclaiming our love for Sup; a dope-ass Singaporean clothing label. (SUP Clothing)
  • And finally, recorded Crank.Arm.Stereo, a song about our love for Bunny Hops, the tarmac, riding and Escobar, Shinos Latino-Gangster -BFF.


Well I would love to bore you to death with details of my boring and pathetic going-ons but I shall spare you this time. You’re lucky I have a headache that’s threatening to start a riot in my head.

Annoyingly Yours,

Ishmael Benjamin.


Oh I don’t really know any of those gorgeous and pretty ladies in the first photo. But don’t mind me using it!

P.S to the P.S.

Please roll on some deoderant before you head to a club. There’s no point looking devillishly-hot if you actually smell like a Devil.

Of Voices In My Head and 88. And Zoe Tay’s Tete*.

Posted in Behind-the-scenes, Gigs, Random on July 21, 2009 by the88movement

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So here I sit. Staring at the monitor. Entertaining The-Voice-In-My-Head.

I’m sure all of you know what I’m talking about. That tiny little ‘being’ that resides in your head. The opinionated one. The one who has the balls to say whatever that is on it’s mind. (Pretty mind-boggling isn’t it? A being that lives in your mind has a mind of it’s own.)

So yeah.. The-Voice-In-My-Head popped up just now. While Rauzan, Shino and me were having a very serious discussion. Rauzan was going on about how I should update this cute little blog of ours. I listened for about 3 seconds before I zoned out, staring and nodding sporadically at Rauzan to put up some semblance of attention. The-Voice-In-My-Head took this as a signal for it to make a grand entrance.

I then started another discussion with The-Voice-In-My-Head about politics, love, the current financial turmoil and Zoe Tay‘s Mama Mammaries while having a discussion with Rauzan and Shino about theCrazy88. So if you were to bump into me and ask, “Hey Ishmael, so what’s upcoming for theCrazy88?”, I’d probably go on about how I’m grateful that Zoe Tay‘s mammaries are inflating when the economy’s deflating. Something to cling on to (no pun intended, teeheehee.) amidst the doom and gloom.

But one thing I do know is that we’re performing at 16Bars at O Bar this Thursday! I can bore you with all the details, shower you with long boring-arsed descriptive passages, impress you with the extensive and cheeapdsdf jshfuafshgasjasfag.. I know I’m starting to lose you already. So here’s my quick run-through as to what to expect on Thursday.

  • BOOZE!
  • BABES!
  • BEATS!
  • theCrazy88!
  • theCrazy88!
  • theCrazy88! theMotherFunkin`Crazy88!
  • Siroc! (Amsterdam-based Rapper)

Doors fly off the hinges at 2200HRS and will remain so till 0300HRS. O BAR! 16 BARS! THURSDAY! THURSDAY!

Now you probably know why Rauzan and Shino handle all the Public Relations work. Nevertheless, we’d love to see you there on Thursday night. The first person to come up to me and whisper, “Jamban Mana? (Where’s the toilet?)”  into my ear will get to see me take off my shirt.

With that said, I have completed what is required of me, which is to update the blog, and now, I’m free to jump over to Blogwars! for some quality entertainment.

Till Then,



Shino and me would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations (?) to Rauzan and Ain (BB!) for surpassing the 2-year mark! Shino and me would be lucky enough if we can get a girlfriend and make her stay for 2 weeks. 2 years is awesome!


Posted in Behind-the-scenes, New, Photos, Random on June 21, 2009 by the88movement

Ish & Apiz
Put your peace signs up & turn it upside down.

The Cool Kids

Posted in Music, Random, Videos on June 16, 2009 by the88movement